Institutional Capacity Building for Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use (ICB-PAMSU)


Project will support mgt. and conservation of priority protected areas by strengthening the Uganda Wildlife Authority, making direct investments in rehabilitation of infrastructure and improving the mgt. of biologically critical protected areas, and building capacity for developing locally based tourism and other activities compatible with conservation that provide economic returns, such as sustainable collection of forest products in buffer zones.

Project will emphasize planning, promotion and regulation of environmentally sustainable tourism by strengthening govt. capacity at all levels to facilitate tourism, and by providing a supportive envt. for private sector tourism development. Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities will recieve assist. to develop policies and laws promoting tourism and conservation, and to manage its many current projects and programs.

Implementing Entity

The World Bank

Region of Implementation
All over Uganda
Project Timeline
  • Pipeline

  • Approved

  • Under Implementation

  • Completed